Cosentino Group announces plans for Global growth

Cosentino Group,  the Spanish multinational and world leader in the production and distribution of quartz surfaces and other natural stones under a number of brand names including Silestone, brought together top management at its headquarters in Cantoria (Almería) on December 3rd and 4th to discuss the company’s growth objectives and strategic plan for 2013-2015.

Under the corporate slogan “Imagine & Anticipate,” this important meeting was attended by 52 executives from more than 17 different countries.

During the two-day meeting, Cosentino Group announced that it projects a turnover of more than 650 million euros in 2015 as a result of commercial development, the launch of its new product line the ultracompact surface Dekton® by Cosentino in 2013/2014, and the consolidation and growth in new markets of the worldwide leader in quartz surfaces, Silestone® by Cosentino.

In his opening speech, the Chairman of Cosentino Group, Francisco Martínez-Cosentino Justo revealed, “Cosentino is carrying out one of the largest industrial investments in Spain, if not the largest, to introduce the product Dekton® by Cosentino in the market during the first part of 2013.”

In terms of financial forecasts for 2012, the company expects the figure of 420 million euros in total sales, of which 83% will correspond to international business.  The forecasts with regards to Iberia (Spain and Portugal), which used to be Cosentino Group’s main market, shows a relatively sluggish pace of growth for the next year, however there will be encouraging improvement for the two subsequent years (2014-2015).

The executive meeting served both to assess this year’s management indicators and how to progress in the guidelines for the Cosentino Group Strategic Business Plan 2013-2015. This plan reflects significant growth of business in the USA, Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and some Asian countries.

The first day concluded with the entire group visiting the new plant which will manufacture Dekton®, a presentation of various reports prepared by the heads of each of the continental markets, and presentations by managers in the areas of strategy, finance, operations, logistics, R&D, and marketing.  The second day of this strategic meeting featured presentations by two experts in the areas of innovation and cooperative intelligence (crowdsourcing), Juan Carrión and Alvaro San Martín. As a final activity, the Cosentino management team reviewed the mission statement and vision to update it in keeping with the strategic challenges of the coming years.